Geohazards Supersites are proposed by an initial scientific team but participation is open to the global scientific community. The Supersite Coordinator must belong to a scientific institution in the country where the area is located.
The general procedure is:
- Definition of the Supersite/Natural Laboratory area, choosing among areas with one or more of the following features: strong geohazard levels, incomplete knowledge of the geophysical processes, strong vulnerability or exposure levels (high risk).
- Identification of a Coordinator for the proposal. The Coordinator should belong to a local scientific institute having an authoritative role in the national framework for Disaster Risk Management, to guarantee that the new science developed by the Supersite community is rapidly and effectively delivered to the decision-makers.
- Organization of a “core” scientific team for the proposal. The team should include local geohazard data providers, local and international researchers, possibly also end-users of the scientific information and private stakeholders.
- (discretionary) Preparation of a Memorandum of Understanding to regulate the contribution of in situ data to the Supersite by the core team and future contributors.
- Preparation of the Supersite/Natural Laboratory proposal, using the template available in the Annex A of this document, and submission to the GSNL SAC Chair.
- The SAC sends out the proposal to at least two reviewers.
- The revision process may last 1-3 months.
- When the SAC approves the proposal the SAC Chair sends it to the CEOS DCT.
- The DCT evaluates the proposal and the image requests. Each space agency decides if it can support the Supersite and the number of images which can be provided annually. Support from at least two agencies is needed to establish a Supersite. This process may last 1-3 months.
- The Supersite is formally approved at the CEOS SIT meeting (normally in the spring) or at the CEOS Plenary (in the fall).
Details on the Supersite selection and review process are given in this document.